Founded by two surfers, frustrated by the growing amount of waste. Designed in Amsterdam, handmade in Italy.

Our mission

We dream of a planet where waste does
not exist.

This dream forms the foundation of every decision we make. It has been that way ever since we launched over ten years ago.

But dreams don’t save planets, so here is how we live up to our dream.

We only use recycled or
biodegradable materials

How can we avoid creating more waste?
By sourcing recycled or biodegradable materials only.

Durable quality, handmade in Italy

Poor quality leads to one thing only, more waste. We prefer to make products that last longer than a season.

Evergreen designs, one collection per year.

Launching multiple collections per year doesn’t do just to the expected life of a product. Leading to overstock in our warehouse or your closet that leads to more waste.

The fine print
Impact per frame

Less energy

We save 924kwh or 132 phone charges of energy per 1000 frames produced**

Less CO2

We save 263kg of CO2 emission or a drive from Amsterdam to Milan per 1000 frames produced**

Less water

We save 5000 liter of water or 64 showers per 1000 frames produced**

*Research on the impact per frame was conducted by an external researcher and is based on data from the Ansys Granta Materials Data Library. A database of engineering, economic and eco property profiles for thousands of materials. MaterialUniverseTM allows for a like-to-like comparison across material and processing possibilities. It provides specialist data for key materials indicators and background information from ecoinvent. The Ansys Granta Materials Data Library, MaterialUniverseTM and ecoinvent is relied on by over 1,400 universities and colleges worldwide.

**Compared to the industry average

Certified materials

Bio-acetate frames

MAZZUCCHELLI M49® has undergone biodegradability tests in compliance with rule ISO 14855, done by a paramount Research Institute in Belgium: ORGANIC WASTE SYSTEMS. M49® has been declared 100% biodegradable.

Recycled metal frames

MINTERTEK®Steel Co., Ltd. has been audited and found to be in conformity with the RECYCLED CLAIM STANDARD 2.0.certifies that POSCO Stainless Steel Co. Ltd.

ZEISS bio-nylon sun lens

Certified to REDcert² standards. The scheme principles for the certification of sustainable material flows for the
chemical industry. Significantly cutting CO² emissions.

Recycled PET pouch

SCS GLOBAL SERVICES® SCS RECYCLED CONTENT CERTIFIED. all of the necessary qualifications for the following claim: certifies that the product meets

Recycled leather case

OEKO-TEX® is granted the authorisation according to LEATHER STANDARD by OEKO-TEX® mark, based on our test report 1804527-01-30-01.